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Showing posts from February, 2021

Methodology vs. Methods

This was a question that came up on one of the first zoom calls of this module and I am finally at the point in my own journey where I am ready to answer this for myself - what is the difference between methodology and method? Helen described the differences in the plain understanding of: Methodology - The approach you are going to take Method - How you are going to gather the data? What kind of approaches are there to research? Well one of the big ones here is that we are going to be doing Qualitative Research over Quantitative, I have an earlier blog about what Qualitative Research actually is, but now I am looking into what Methodology in the realm of Qualitative Research will I be using. Here are a few of the approaches I came across: 1. Narrative Research This research is used to form a cohesive story, or narrative, by way of consolidating several events from a small group of people. It involves running in-depth interviews and reading up on documents featuring similar actions as a

Literature review tips

First of all I just want to disclose that I have never in my life written a literature review, nor do I claim to be an expert on the topic. But I've spent the last couple of days researching what the literature review actually is, how it can be approached and the do's and don'ts so I thought I would put together this little blog that will hopefully help at least one other person. I could write paragraphs and paragraphs on 'What is a literature review' but if like me your head feels like its going to explode if you read one more book or article you might find this helpful: 1. The module handbook has most of the core information you need about a literature review - read it again! 2. 'Doing your research project' by Judith Bell and Stephen Waters  - Part 1 Chapters 6 and 7 has further information on Literature Searching and then The Review of the Literature. 3. If like me you've read all of this over and over but you still don't really understand  what

All things Ethics

Ethics, ethical considerations and ethical procedures in both my inquiry topic and in conducting research seem to be popping up all over the Module 2 handbook so I think it's time I dedicate some time to them. I know that ethics was something that I only briefly touched on in Module 1 but the nature of the Module 2 inquiry means it is something I need to dig deeper into.  Ethics is defined as a moral philosophy or code of morals practiced by a person or group of people. Initially I struggled finding personal experiences that had a strong ethical implication. I had never suffered any bias or judgement as a result of my skin colour, age or sex and if I had i certainly wasn't aware of it. These are things that I will be looking out for within my inquiry topic as I narrow down my field of study. Before looking at the ethical considerations surrounding my inquiry topic I wanted to look at the ethical considerations that are to be considered when conducting research (also because I h

Qualitative Research - What is it?

After reading the handbook for the second time it became embedded in me that throughout this project we will be conductive qualitative research - but what does this exactly mean? We've all heard of quality over quantity - but I hadn't really thought of it from a research point of view. Bhandari decribes Qualitive research as  'collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research.' (para1. 2020)   in complete contrast to Quantitive research with uses numerical data to analyse facts and statistics. To kick start my research into research I started to look at the Kortext book  'Qualitative research in physical culture'   and the first thing that stood out to me as the the book is broken up into what the author calls the 7Ps: Purpose, Paradigms, Process, Practice, Politics of Interpretation, Presentation

Onwards and upwards... Starting Module 2

 I can't believe the blog I am about to write is about starting Module 2?! The last time I blogged I had just completed my first draft of my Module 1 essay and I hadn't even started my diagram - it's safe to say that my work/life balanced took a huge hit at the end of last year and every time I thought about sitting down to blog or read what other people were sharing, something else came up. This is something I am actively looking to change throughout Module 2 so as they say... onwards and upwards! The open discussion from Wednesday morning was the first I have ever been able to make - usually I work full days but with the current lockdown I have been lucky enough to have a little bit of extra time.  The discussion group was mainly made up of Module 1 and 2 students with a few Module 3 students which was an absolute godsend! I think I speak for every Module 2 students when I say anytime someone asks a question I would find myself staring through the screen at the Module 3 g