I can't believe it's October and this is my first blog post for Module 3. I've been reading a few other blogs and it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels a little relaxed at this point - I know what I need to do and I know how I'm going to do it so why aren't I getting it done?
The truth is, there have been a fair few changes in my life since Module 2 ended. I've moved house and I've started a new job which as much as I love it is FULL ON! I'm also still juggling part time teaching at the dance school during the evenings and at weekends so I'd love to say where has the time gone but I think I've pretty much just covered it!
I had my first tutorial last week with Sam and after a lot of initial worry and panic (from me of course) he was completely re-assuring that these things happen and its important to just take things one step at a time, concentrate on your next move and not the end result! We had a great discussion about where I am in my inquiry and where I see it leading me at the end of the analysis focussing on triangulating all the data I collect which was something I had already come across in Module 2 and had factored in to my inquiry.
I've struggled to attend the live tutorials with the recent time changes due to my new job but I have found time in to catch up on them! The fact that they are now recorded isn't just helpful in this case but also in the fact that I can go back to them and look over what was discussed as I move through my enquiry!
All is not lost however as I have managed to fit in 3 of my interviews with 1 more to go so I do feel in a good place here. The interviews have all gone well albeit they have all been extremely different which I hadn't fully anticipated. My first interview lasted about 20 minutes longer than what I had initially planned but I didn't want to interrupt my participants flow! I can already see re-occurring themes beginning to show and so I'm looking forward to getting my final interview done at the beginning of next week so as I can dive head first into my analysis!
It's been lovely to read about how everyone's data collection is going and I look forward to seeing where this takes people in relation to their inquiry.
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