You would think by now I would have realised how quickly the time flys in the last couple of weeks of the module! Going from feeling rather relaxed about my report to getting my draft back and also working on my artefact has sent me into another whirlwind spiral!
My biggest concern with my report is getting the word count down! I know it's better to have too much than not enough but I was already cutting it close and now I know it's going to be a challenge in itself! The feedback on my draft was incredibly helpful and has left me with a lot of things to consider about my inquiry. I really can't believe this time last year I was working on my module one dreading having to write a 5000 word report in module 3 and now I am fully embracing the entire process.
I've made a good start with my artefact and now its a case of fine tuning the small details to really reflect my inquiry and the individuality of the process itself! Presentations aside there will be a huge sense of relief in just under two weeks when my final submission is sent in, safe to say there will be some celebrations taken place over Christmas!
I'm sure everyone will be glued to their laptops over the next few days and when it feels like theres still a long way to go remember how far we have all come!
We've got this!
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