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Better late than never? But still short and sweet

Module One Focus - 28th September 2020

It's took me a while to get round to writing this, I thought I knew what I was going to say and then I read a few more blogs today and well as you can imagine my head feels like its been through a blender! We discussed so much in the session and I really don't want to leave anything out so I have devised a mini plan. 

Summarise here... then blog some more later!

I just feel this is the best way to include as much as I can for those who were unable to make the call but without people having to read paragraphs and paragraphs of me waffling on.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who was involved in the call and to those who have already blogged about it, Monday seems like a million days ago so reading your blogs really helped refresh my mind on what was discussed. We jumped straight into talking about our Module One Lenses and in particular the following topic from each lens.

1. Web 2.0

2. Ethics

3. Networking

I am really looking forward to diving deeper into these particular areas of the lenses to see how they fit within my practice now and how I think they will help shape where I want my practice to go.

Looking forward to getting back to you all with a more in depth look at each of them

Over and out - G x


  1. Hi Georgia, I understand how you are feeling. I always think I know what I want to write my blog about, but then I hear what others have to say during discussions or I read blogs and then my ideas change. x

  2. Hey Georgia! I really enjoy the little summaries, I find them really useful. Excited to read the other blogs when you explore the topics a little more :) Rhi x


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