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Showing posts from September, 2020

The Mum Method

  Earlier this week I had my first 1:1 Skype call with Adesola, in this call we talked through Module One in a little more detail and I had the opportunity to give Adesola an insight on my history and how I've gotten to this point in my journey. For anyone that is remotely interested, the road to get here could most certainly be likened to the M1, in the height of summer, when they decide to do 5 junctions worth of roadworks! To save me from blabbering on, this is the third time I have set out to do this course so it already feels like I've reached a milestone by getting this far! After the call I decided to have another go at reading through the Module One handbook and much to my disappointment I was still really struggling to get my head around what was actually being asked of me. I've not been in a classroom or an academic setting for almost 8 years now and at this point I think to say I was a little rusty would be an understatement. I've never struggled academically

Not where I was supposed to be and yet exactly where I should be

So here we are, September 2020, not where I was supposed to be and yet exactly where I should be... Logged into Skype and anxiously anticipating my first call I had some time to reflect on how the journey I am about to embark on is going to be nothing like I imagined. I was supposed to be fitting my BAPP around my 6th cruise contract yet instead of relocating from Alaska to Hawaii I found myself relocating from the living room to our home office. It may not be as exciting but its not all doom and gloom, starting this course at home does have its benefits.  - I am grateful for the strong reliable WiFi connection - I don't have to panic as I watch my megabytes drain away before my eyes  - It's great to be in the same time zone as the scheduled call rather than trying to make a 7am Skype co-exist with the carnage that is breakfast in the crew mess. It's safe to say I had absolutely no idea what to expect from this call and I feel like I came away with even more questions that

Is blogging something you can be good or not so good at?

Having never blogged or even considering blogging before I wasn't entirely sure if I was going to be any good at it. - Is blogging something you can be good or not so good at?  - Do people actually want to listen to my ramblings?  - What if I struggle for something to say?  Well I think it's safe to say question 3 isn't going to be too big of a problem, but in all seriousness, what if people don't like my thoughts or the ideas that I am going to blog about? This was a huge deal for me... for all of 5 minutes, and then I realised It doesn't matter! This is going to be my safe space, where I can put out into the world what I'm thinking and connect with others whether they are like-minded or share different views entirely. It's going to be a space for me to grow and learn about myself, about others and about my profession in ways that will challenge me, but that will also reward me. Besides I love talking, more than anything, and blogging is basically thinking