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Showing posts from December, 2021

Module 3 Submission

Firstly a massive CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who has submitted their work and to those still working - you've got this! Submitting my work for the final time last week felt amazing! Looking back at my journey from module one I can't believe I'm actually here (I remember sneaking a peak at the module 3 handbook when we first started, seeing the 5500 word report and just thinking - no thank you!) My absolute biggest challenge and similarly to others blogs I have read was the word count. Someone once said to me it's better to have too much than not enough but actually I found this harder! For me it would have been easier to pad the report out with more detail but after re drafting my overview and analysis I was already at 6500 words - and that was without my introduction, literature review and reflection! It took me longer than anticipated to amend my word count without losing any of the analysis and reflection that I had discovered during the inquiry process. Eventuall

The (almost) final hurdle

 I know I'm jumping the gun a little with my blog title as I know we still have our VIVA presentations to do in January however I am starting this week feeling rather positive about the submission due on Friday! My essay is complete, I just need to get the word count down now by taking out some of my waffling, although this seems like a difficult task I am grateful to be in a position this week where I have too much as opposed to not enough! I have also finished the creation of my artefact, there were lots of little pieces to organise and now it is just a case of putting them altogether in a video presentation. Originally I was going to accompany my video with text but I know myself I sometimes switch off if there is too much to read so instead I am going to attempt to record a voice over to go with it! I am extremely nervous about this because as much as I love to talk I actually hate the sound of my own voice and I know it's going to take me multiple takes before I get one I